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Campaigns that make a difference

Our campaigns are carried out to meet the specific needs of children and adolescents in the region.

Studying for Tomorrow            School Supply Drive

Education is the most important cause to us, and we know how much it can change the future of our children and adolescents. Unfortunately, many still don't have access to education or lack the materials needed to start studying. To change this reality, since 2011 we have been celebrating our anniversary with the 'Studying for Tomorrow' campaign, which collects new school supplies that are distributed to the children enrolled in our program.


The goal is to collect the necessary materials or funds to purchase the three types of kits that are donated, with approximate values of R$45, R$50, and R$60, to benefit over 250 children enrolled in our NGO before the start of the school year. Despite the time constraints of this campaign, the support from our collaborators, companies, and angels allows us to support the education of our children.


We believe that education is a fundamental right for all children and adolescents, capable of transforming realities and building a better future for everyone. Unfortunately, many families lack the resources to purchase all the necessary school supplies at the start of the school year, which hinders access to education. That’s why we continue to run this campaign annually, ensuring that the children supported by our ONG have the right school supplies to start the school year on the right foot.


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Easter of Good
Collection of Boxes of Chocolates and Biscuits

Many of the children we serve suffer from social vulnerability, and many of them don't have access to sweets and chocolates, making this time of year sad and dull for them. That’s why we created the 'Easter of Goodness' campaign, which aims to change this reality by collecting love in the form of chocolate every year, bringing many smiles.


The campaign takes place annually and is carried out through two types of donations: physical and monetary. The boxes of chocolates and Bis are donated by people who believe in the cause and want to contribute in some way. The monetary donations, approximately R$ 20, are used to purchase the gifts. The entire process is handled with great care and affection, ensuring that children up to 12 years old receive their boxes of chocolates either the day before or on Easter day itself.


The campaign takes place annually and is carried out through two types of donations: physical and monetary. The boxes of chocolates and Bis are donated by people who believe in the cause and want to contribute in some way. The monetary donations, approximately R$ 20, are used to purchase the gifts. The entire process is handled with great care and affection, ensuring that children up to 12 years old receive their boxes of chocolates either the day before or on Easter day itself.


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Children's Day                         Toy and candy collection campaign

Every day is a day to celebrate and commemorate our children's day here at the ONG. Our institution exists for them, to change their day and their future. That's why we created the Children's Day campaign, with the goal of providing moments of joy and happiness for children. This campaign seeks to offer a day of celebration and fun.


The campaign also takes place annually and is organized through partnerships for the event, along with donations of sweets, ice cream, food and drinks, and toys. The donations are collected in both physical and monetary forms, with an approximate value of R$50 to purchase the items for the campaign, ensuring that the children have an unforgettable afternoon.


Beyond bringing smiles to the children's faces, the campaign aims to raise awareness in society about the importance of solidarity and helping others. Through small actions like this, it’s possible to transform the world into a fairer and more welcoming place.


The initiative relies on the support of volunteers who dedicate their time to organizing and distributing sweets in underserved communities, making deliveries on Children's Day. It’s a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children and contribute to a happier world.


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Christmas Hope                                      Collection campaign of Baskets and items for Christmas Dinner

Showing solidarity can be done all year round, but at Christmas this action is amplified. It is at this time of year that our children and their families need the most support. That is why we created the Christmas Hope campaign.


Given the extreme social vulnerability evident in our registered population, many of these families do not have the financial means to have a decent Christmas dinner. As a way to change this reality, we collect basic food baskets, panettones and, when we receive help from sponsors, we are able to deliver chicken for these families to have dinner. We also carry out a campaign to send Santa's letter so that our children can have the clothes and shoes they need so much. The campaign is carried out through donations of basic food basket items, the assembled basic food basket itself or monetary donations to purchase campaign donations, with a value of approximately R$100.


This initiative aims to bring hope to those who are less fortunate. This campaign is of utmost importance to the NGO because, in addition to helping meet the basic needs of families, it also brings a bit of joy and hope to those who often find themselves in situations of despair and sadness. Through this initiative, the NGO seeks to show these families that they are not alone and that there are people who care about them. After all, everyone deserves to have a happy and welcoming Christmas, regardless of their financial situation. That’s why this campaign is a true act of love and solidarity.


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Frutos do Amanhã is a Non-Governmental Organization (ONG) with the purpose of being an agent of transformation and change in lives through education and social support.

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